Do You Suffer From Morning Stiffness?

A complaint we often hear from new patients is that they suffer from morning stiffness. Morning stiffness, also known as “first movement” pain, usually occurs 15-45 minutes after waking up. As the day progresses, the stiffness goes away, only to return in the evening. Here is how chiropractic can help.
Morning stiffness is most commonly caused by arthritis, which can be determined by an x-ray. You might think resting will ease your sore joints, but movement helps them stay lubricated. As you sleep, your joints are rested for an extended period of time. During that time, fluid can build up along with inflammation, causing joints to stiffen. This also occurs when you are sedentary for an extended amount of time. Stiffness and pain aren’t limited to those who suffer from arthritis, so an evaluation is important to properly diagnose the root of the issues you are experiencing in order to develop the best treatment plan for your needs.
Common symptoms of spinal arthritis/morning stiffness can include:
- Altered or hunched over posture
- Sound coming from the joint with particular movements
- Certain movements cause increased pain in the affected area
- Loss of flexibility
- An aching pain in the area of damage
- Tingling or aching from pressure on nearby nerves
- Inability to do certain tasks such as tying shoes or picking something up from off the floor
For spinal arthritis and morning stiffness, there are some at-home remedies you can do to find relief.
- Give your body time to wake up. Just as your brain needs time to wake up in the morning, so does your body. After long periods of rest or sleeping, do some gentle stretches and make slow movements. A warm shower is also a great way to get your body ready for the day.
- Get moving. Staying on the couch might sound appealing when your body is aching, but movement is the best medicine for morning stiffness. It will help lubricate your joints, but be aware of your own tolerance and listen to your body when you need to rest. Just keep moving when you can!
- Eat healthy. Your diet should be well-rounded and include anti-inflammatory foods like berries, ginger, and green tea.
- Try supplements. A healthy diet should provide you with the nutrients you need, but supplements with glucosamine and omega 3’s may be just the boost your body can use to overcome stiffness.
- Maintain regular chiropractic care. Regular chiropractic treatments will keep your body in proper alignment, which prevents added pressure from being put on your nerves. Chiropractic adjustments also help decrease muscle tension and increase range of motion to prevent stiffness.
If you suffer from morning stiffness and are looking for a natural, non-invasive treatment, chiropractic can help! Click here to learn more about the many benefits you can enjoy to live a healthy and happy life!