How You Can Prepare to Exercise Outdoors

Springtime in Saginaw can be truly beautiful, and it’s the perfect time to take your workouts outside and into the sun. But if your plan is to exercise outdoors this spring, you’ll need to take a few key precautions and make some preparations. By making sure that you’re properly equipped, properly hydrated, and properly protected, you can make outdoor exercise part of your regular routine this season.
How to Prepare to Exercise Outdoors This Spring
Dress Appropriately
Cycling out your winter wardrobe for warm-weather clothes is a regular part of spring cleaning for many. Before you get into the habit of moving your exercise outdoors, make sure you’ve got essentials like shorts, tank tops, hats, and comfortable shoes. Speaking of comfortable shoes, Shields Chiropractic offers Foot Levelers custom orthotics, which can help prevent foot pain and keep you balanced.
Don’t Forget Daily Stretching
If you’re working out, you need to make time to stretch. Daily stretching helps keep your muscles loose and limber, and it can help your body recover more quickly after a workout. Go outside and stretch for about 10 minutes before you exercise outdoors—this will help warm up your muscles and acclimate your body to the warmer weather. Plus, daily stretching has larger benefits including improved posture, better balance, and more flexibility.
Drinking Enough Water is Important
Staying hydrated is key to better wellness, and it’s especially important if you’re exercising or spending time out in the sun. So, if you exercise outdoors, drinking enough water is doubly important. Bring a large, refillable water bottle and make sure you’re sipping throughout your workout. Eight cups of water a day is the generally accepted goal, but you may need more than that to ensure you’re drinking enough water if you exercise outdoors.
Shields Chiropractic Can Help You Get Fit
Don’t let the beautiful spring weather pass you by. If you’re struggling with pain or wish you could feel energized enough to work out, Shields Chiropractic can help. With the benefits of chiropractic care, you’ll be enjoying exercise outdoors in Saginaw, MI, and all the great perks that come with it. Give us a call at 989-781-7700 to learn about what we have in store, or stop into our office and check it out for yourself.