Knock Out Knee Pain

Have you ever experienced troublesome knee pain? If so, you know that even the simplest of tasks can feel impossible to accomplish. Whether it’s bending down to tie your shoes, climbing into your car, or just getting out of bed, knee issues have negative effects on your day-to-day life. Here’s how chiropractic can help.
When it comes to knee pain, you may have looked at these options: you can suck it up and deal with it, reduce your activity level, take more pain relievers. But none of these sound like great options to us! Fortunately, chiropractic care can help you find relief from knee pain. Rather than focusing on treating pain as a symptom, we focus on treating the root cause of your issues to alleviate and treat your pain through various techniques.
When it comes to treating knee pain with chiropractic care, there are usually several angles of approach. We may try soft tissue massage or use ice therapy to reduce inflammation, both of which can improve range of motion to your knee. Chiropractic adjustments are effective for improving restricted movement in the joints surrounding the knee and areas of the knee. A variety of treatments combined with our years of experience can increase range of motion to your knees and reduce pain, all while improving overall function.
If you aren’t sure about taking the next step and giving chiropractic a try for knee pain treatment, ask yourself these questions
- Has knee pain limited my activity level?
- Am I currently taking or have I had to take medication for knee pain?
- Is my knee pain affecting my ability to function normally in daily life?
If your answer was yes to these questions, it’s time to schedule a consultation at Shields Chiropractic. Constantly suffering in pain is no way to live your life. Our team of chiropractic professionals will address the issues in your body causing your pain and determine the right path for treatment. To learn more about how we can help you, click here to request an appointment.