Manage Stress with Natural Supplements

Shields Chiropractic
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A harried woman sits on the couch, rubbing the sides of her temples. She looks overwhelmed and lost in thought.

Stress has a way of piling up, and without regular efforts to manage it, you can easily be buried underneath it. Stress management can take all different forms—daily self-care, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and talking to friends or professionals are all ways of coping with anxiety. Another great way to manage stress is with the help of natural supplements, including several Standard Process products you can get through Shields Chiropractic in Saginaw, MI. 

3 Natural Supplements to Manage Stress 

Ashwagandha Forte

Ashwagandha is a powerful, naturally-occurring ingredient that has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine to manage stress. As such, Ashwagandha Forte is one of Standard Process’ most effective natural supplements for coping with anxiety. This product contains 10 mg of withanolides, a key ingredient in the root that counteracts chemical stress activities and helps calm the nervous system. The benefits of Ashwagandha Forte also include improved cognition and memory, and it combines well with other natural supplements like Eleuthero and Nevaton® Forte for maximum results. 


Your response to internal and external stressors is dictated by your adrenal glands, which release chemicals that prompt a fight-or-flight response. Drenamin® works to manage stress by ensuring that these glands are healthy and properly functioning, helping to prevent unnecessary anxiety and keeping your emotions balanced. What’s more, Drenamin® boosts your immune system and promotes more natural energy, allowing you to tackle the day’s tasks with less stress on the whole. It’s also a great source of important nutrients like niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6. 

Kava Forte

Naturally derived from the Piper methysticum plant, kava is a powerful and popular tool for relaxation and coping with anxiety. Standard Process leverages this ingredient in several natural supplements, and Kava Forte is among its most popular products on the market. Every tablet of Kava Forte contains 50 mg of kavalactones, which help manage stress, relieve tension in the muscles, and help you fall asleep. Kava Forte works in synergy with several other natural supplements in the Standard Process portfolio, including Adrenal Complex, Valerian Complex, and Wild Yam Complex.

Shields Chiropractic Can Help You Manage Stress 

Coping with anxiety can be a challenge, but you’re not alone in this fight. Shields Chiropractic is here to help our patients in Saginaw, MI, manage stress and stay relaxed. Whether you’d like to explore the benefits of natural supplements or feel better with the help of chiropractic adjustments, schedule your next appointment or call us at 989-781-7700 to see how we can lend a hand.

Shields Chiropractic