Why You Should Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Shields Chiropractic
October 3, 2023
min read
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With Halloween looming ahead like a lit jack-o-lantern, it’s hard to avoid the temptation of indulging in some candy and sweets. And while it’s okay to enjoy yourself in moderation, making an effort to reduce your sugar intake can have big health benefits. Lowering sugar consumption can help you lose weight and protect you from negative side effects

Why Should You Reduce Your Sugar Intake?

Avoid the Side Effects of Sugar 

Taking steps to reduce your sugar intake can help your wellness in the long run. Eating too much sugar on a regular basis can lead to several significant health issues, including high blood pressure and diabetes. Avoiding processed foods with added sugar and regulating the amount of sweets you eat in general can help you keep your body in sync. 

Less Sugar Can Help You Lose Weight

Because of the way sugar interacts with your body, it’s a major contributing factor to obesity. This isn’t to say that having a donut here or a slice of cake there will set you back in your weight loss goals, but rather that you should practice moderation and mindful eating. If you reduce your sugar consumption and keep track of your daily calorie intake, you should be able to lose weight and achieve your goals. 

Sugar Can Impact the Way You Feel

Sugar won’t just cause physical health problems—it can affect you at a mental and emotional level. Side effects linked with eating too much sugar include fatigue, depression, and irritability. These symptoms can make it hard to stay productive, manage your stress, and meaningfully engage with people socially. Replacing sugar with whole foods that provide more natural energy can help you feel better on the whole. 

Try Chiropractic Care in Saginaw, MI

Did you know that regular chiropractic care may be able to help you lose weight? Frequent adjustments help you stay active, which lets you exercise more. The more active you are and the more results you see, the more likely you’ll be to take steps to reduce your sugar intake. If you’d like to try chiropractic or massage, call Shields Chiropractic in Saginaw, MI at 989-781-7700 or schedule your appointment online

Shields Chiropractic