Healthy Road Trip Tips to Try This Summer

Shields Chiropractic
July 25, 2023
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Road trips can be a lot of fun, and they’re a great chance to cut loose with friends and family. But if you’re trying to maintain your momentum with healthy lifestyle changes or just want to stick to a program that works, you can strike a balance between having a ball and being accountable. Healthy road trip tips like bringing snacks and nutritional supplements, taking breaks and stretching, and staying hydrated will help you get the most out of the experience on the whole. 

Healthy Road Trip Tips to Try This Summer

Bring Snacks and Nutritional Supplements

When you’re on the road, you may be tempted to stop at the occasional greasy spoon to try the local fare. This may not be as appealing if you’re trying to eat healthy, but if you pack healthy snacks and nutritional supplements, you can feel less guilty about the occasional cheeseburger. Nutritional supplements from Standard Process can help fill the gaps in your nutrition, and healthy snacks can keep your hunger satisfied so that you’re less inclined to overeat. 

Take Regular Breaks to Stretch

Keeping pain at bay is critical if you want to really enjoy your summer, and building in time for rest stops is one of the best healthy road trip tips to abide by. If you’re going to be on the road for more than a couple of hours, stop somewhere to stretch out for 15 minutes. Take advantage of the time by performing some stretches for your back, legs, shoulders, and neck. This will help you avoid feeling stiff, sore, and cranky when you get where you’re going. 

Make Sure You Drink Enough Water

It can get hot out there in the summertime—even when you have the AC cranked all the way up. Make sure that you’re taking steps to stay hydrated by bringing plenty of ice-cold water. You should drink about eight glasses of water a day, and possibly more if you’re sweating. This will help you avoid back pain caused by dehydration, keeping you feeling good throughout the trip. While this will likely mean more bathroom breaks, staying hydrated also helps ensure that you’re making stops and staying limber. 

Get Ready for a Healthy Road Trip with Shields Chiropractic

These tips are a great way to get started with making your road trip more healthy. But if you really want to maximize your potential and make the most of your summer, schedule an appointment at Shields Chiropractic in Saginaw, MI. We offer nutritional supplements from Standard Process, chiropractic care, and other products and services to help you get road trip-ready. 

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Shields Chiropractic