Phase 1: Relief
The most common reason patients seek care at Shields Chiropractic is pain. Whether it’s headaches, lower back pain, or sciatic nerve pain relief you seek, phase 1 is where that relief begins. One of the main benefits of chiropractic adjustment is pain relief without medications.
Phases of Care
During phase 1, we utilize cold laser therapy to combat muscle spasms and inflammation. Because inflammation is the most frequent source of pain, we also use ice to decrease discomfort. Other therapies include massage and adjustment.
Phase 1 visits may be daily or a few days each week in the early stages. This depends on your examination and evaluation results, the severity of your pain, and the underlying source of your problem.
Goal for Phase 1
Our main goal for phase 1 is pain relief. When you’re in pain, it affects your ability to function normally, puts stress on other parts of your body, and can be emotionally detrimental. That’s why we see you frequently during this phase. Our priority is to ease your pain as soon as possible.
Pain is only a symptom of your condition, but in order to move to the next phase, you need to be able to receive treatment without pain.
Make an Appointment at Shields Chiropractic Today
For affordable care with chiropractic payment plans, make an appointment at Shields Chiropractic today. We serve patients in Saginaw, MI, or the surrounding areas—including Hemlock, Freeland, St. Charles, Merrill, Midland, Bay City, Breckenridge, or Bridgeport. Call 989-781-7700.