Air Travel Tips for the Holidays

December 3, 2019
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Hauling heavy luggage, rushing to gates, standing in long lines, and stuffing yourself into an uncomfortable seat – holiday travel isn’t easy! The chiropractors at Shields Chiropractic want to help you enjoy easy flights this holiday season, and chiropractic care could be the key. Here are our tips to help reduce the stress air travel puts on the body.


One of the easiest ways to avoid back pain from air travel this holiday season is to prevent it by packing light. No need to worry about lifting, hauling, and dragging heavy luggage if you bring only staple items and choose outfits that you can mix and match. If you have holiday gifts to share, consider shipping them ahead of time. Winter weather usually means heavier clothes, so be sure that your carry-on bag has working wheels and comfortable handles. You don’t want to end up dragging it through the airport and hurting your back or arms. When you do lift your bag, even if it is light, use your legs and ask for help if you risk hurting yourself.


If you must pack heavy, check your bag. It might be tempting to stuff as much as you can into a carry-on to reduce time spent at the airport, but the risk of injury simply isn’t worth it. Can you safely lift a heavy carry-on once it’s stuffed with boots, coats, and gift bags? Saving a little money and time is not worth the aches and pains that come with a back, neck, or shoulder injury. Make the right choice and let the airline do the heavy lifting for you!


When it comes to flying, we hear a lot of complaints about food – but that’s not the worst part; it’s the small and uncomfortable seats! Supporting your spine is especially important during a flight and we recommend investing in a small pillow for lumbar support or to support your neck and reduce strain. If you are on a longer flight, be sure to get up when given to okay to stretch your legs and walk up and down the aisle. The consequences of over-sitting are serious, so take advantage of a good stretch when you can. If you are unable to get up from your seat, we have plenty of seated stretches to suggest. Just ask during your next appointment!


When your spine is in proper alignment, your whole body benefits. At Shields Chiropractic, we want you to fully enjoy the holiday season and a chiropractic adjustment may be just what you need to be at your best. Our experienced chiropractors create custom treatment plans unique to your needs so you can ensure your spine is in great shape before your next trip. To schedule an adjustment, click here to contact us.

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